DragonCon 2001: People and Panelists
Katharine Anderson-Dávila and Leigh Bennett-Conner
Saturday, September 1, 2001: The Twin Peaks panel turned out to be an amazing success, and we had a fantastic time doing it, that's for sure. They seemed to like us, too: many people came up to say hi after the panel, and several approached me during the remaining days of the con; some even e-mailed me. To say we were astonished and delighted would be an understatement.
Katharine laughs at what is almost certainly a smart-mouthed comment from Leigh.
Saturday, September 1, 2001: It was my understanding that the awards banquet and other heavy hitters were scheduled in the same time slot, so we were especially grateful for the excellent turnout. We didn't even mention in the program that we were serving doughnuts, so I don't think that was a factor. I'm just really happy that the show has endured in people's memories. I'm also really grateful to AMTV track director Aaron Dunne for giving us a chance, because I'm sure there were other things he could have put in that time slot. All in all, it's definitely one of the most enjoyable panels I've ever done at DragonCon: we had a blast!
(Women in Gaming full panel shot to come: K. Anderson-Dávila, M. Lafferty, R. Udell)
Sunday, September 2, 2001: This was the third year for the Women in Gaming panel at DragonCon, and again, we had a great turnout. I was very happy about having a bigger room, and I just always enjoy doing this panel. Apparently, some DragonCon attendees like it as well: despite being scheduled across from Anthony Daniels and the Babylon 5 cast reunion, they came back for more this year! :) I'm sure we'll be writing a full report up for WomenGamers, but in the meantime you can check out our coverage from last year.
Mur Lafferty
Sunday, September 2, 2001: It's Mur, the founder of the Women in Gaming panel at DragonCon! We're really pleased that she's joined the WG team as a writer. Be sure to have a look at the debut of her Offline Gaming column, which adds a unique new facet to our site by covering pen and paper gaming.
Rachelle Udell
Sunday, September 2, 2001: Also known as R. Sabrina Udell, Women in Gaming panelist Rachelle Udell is the line developer for Mage: Sorcerer's Crusade. Here, she tells of some of the issues she faced in dealing with the art department and their depiction of female characters in some of White Wolf's publications.
David Tatu and Robyn Rose
Sunday, September 2, 2001: I am trying to do a little better about getting pictures of our friends. I think Tatu won one of the V:TES tournaments at DragonCon, not that you could ever tell that he was a V:TES player from the t-shirt he's wearing. :) Congratulations, Tatu! Now it's Robyn's turn. :)
Michael LoBue, DragonCon's "renegade piper"
Sunday, September 2, 2001: There's actually a fun story attached to this image. On the way up to our room, my husband and I stopped into the hospitality suite for a little bit, and this excellent bagpiper happened to be there. Well, he hemmed and hawed a bit about playing, but people begged him, so, out of the blue, totally off the cuff, he played about three songs. We all clapped and cheered along to "Scotland the Brave" and such. It was awesome! Like our own little spontaneous private concert! What a neat moment, and what a nice guy! Here, you can see some of the people gathered around, listening to the bagpiper.
Michael LoBue, detail.
Sunday, September 2, 2001: Many sincere thanks to DragonCon webmaster and general font of information Paul W. Cashman for identifying Michael so that he didn't have to be anonymously credited as "the piper." :) He also confirmed that he has indeed performed at the con in years past, and that he was from Florida. He's really talented, and I very much appreciated his generosity in sharing his music with us. It was definitely one of my favorite con moments.